The Castaways

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What if Kourtney never broke her arm?

What if Kourtney never broke her arm? Would she have survived the first elimination?  The answer is probably obvious to most of us.  Yes she would have survived.
If she never hurt herself, the girls would most likely still have gone to tribal council.  The targets? Definitely Alicia and Christina.  On day 2, Alicia began to call out Christina for trying to work with the guys although what she was doing was benefiting her tribe.  Because Alicia unofficially took command of her tribe anyone making deals without her permission would be on her bad side.  This created an early rivalry between the two girls.
Since Alicia had control over the core woman's alliance Christina would have most likely found herself become the first person to officially voted out of Survivor: One World and Alicia would have found herself with four votes in favor of her leaving the game.  Luckily for Christina, Kourtney broke her arm and she has a second chance to save herself but knowing that these two woman have such strong personalities I bet they will continue to butt heads until one of them goes down.

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