The Castaways

Thursday, December 15, 2011

My prediction on the Survivor finale.

After the latest episode, Ozzy Lusth and Edna Ma competed for safety at Redemption Island.  Once again, Ozzy won the duel and Edna Ma became the sixth member of the jury.

            This left the remaining five Upolu members worried about Ozzy’s chances of returning into the game and making his way into the final three.  Trying to prevent this from happening Coach had the idea of sending one of their stronger member, Brandon Hantz, to Redemption Island so at least one of the two strongest castaways will be eliminated.
            In the mean time, Albert Destrade conducted a plan to vote out the last remaining woman, Sophie Clarke.  He only needed to convince Coach to follow his plan.
            When Coach heard of Albert’s idea he strongly disagreed and refused to go with the plan.  This caused tension between Coach, Albert and the other remaining players.
            Coach’s plan seemingly became impossible when Brandon won immunity, but he was surprised when Brandon gave his necklace to Albert to save his friends neck and risk his own.
            Brandon’s move later backfired when Coach betrayed his alliance with Albert and Brandon.  Brandon was sent home with a 3-2 vote.
            Now, Brandon must face Ozzy in the final duel where the winners would redeem themselves and reenter the game.   Based off of the past duels, I would predict that Ozzy would win once again and reenter the game for a second time.
            This would worry the Upolu four and force them to compete their hardest at the challenge.  With four against one Ozzy has a slim chance at saving his skin.  At tribal council, Ozzy would have no chance to survive and he would be voted out.
            Albert, Coach, Rick and Sophie would be left as the final four.  At this point Rick has locked his spot into the final three because none of the others feel threatened by him.
            For Coach, he has manipulated Albert and Sophie in such a way that they feel like the must remain loyal to him and get ride of the other.  This works out perfectly for Coach and I predict that he will be in the final three with Rick handing them the power.
            Assuming that both Albert and Sophie will be vulnerable, I would guess that Coach and Rick would vote with Sophie to eliminate Albert for two reasons.  One: Rick and Coach voted with Sophie at the last tribal council and two: Coach has shown great annoyance with Albert in the last couple episodes and probably feels slightly threatened by him.
            Albert will come in fourth place and the jury will vote between Coach, Sophie and Rick. 
            When the jury votes between the three I believe one player will easily win.  Rick will most likely come in third place receiving zero votes because of his lack of game play.  Coach will com in second place receiving two to three votes for being the leader of his tribe but will lose votes because of his cockiness and the fact that this was his third time playing.
            Congratulations to Sophie Clarke for being my prediction winner!  Sophie has played a pretty skilled game.  Although her and her alliance was dormant for the majority of the game, she proved she had brains at tribal councils and she chose the best people to go up against in the end.
            Now let’s see how accurate I am.  Tune in on Sunday night to see the live finale of Survivor: South Pacific.

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